Saturday, 6 August 2016

Web Design Fun

I have the privilege of teaching Digital Media Technology (DMT) once a week to a group of grade 8 and 9 learners.

This is a subject, where there is no marks, or rigid program to follow, but I can decide what to complete with the learners. I generally discuss with the class at the beginning of the year what they are interested in, and put a program together that will be different for each class that I teach. 

One of my classes, is very strong academically, and really enjoy engaging with code and playing around two see what they can create. I spent a couple of weeks with them learning some basics using Codecademy. ( We then started working in blank notepad files.

This week we looked at adding audio tags to have music playing in the background (Such fun!) and customising the background. Instead of just using a background colour, we can use an image. It is a lot more fun, but presents problems they need to solve:

1. Image tiles across the screen - how to get it to stretch / resize the image
2. Cant read the text - either changing the colour of the text / lightening the colour of the image

I dont show them how to do this - they have to use the internet / each other to solve these problems, and I walk around and support where necessary / when frustration takes over.

The learners all agree that CSS really makes your web page rock - and never just want to use html. Next week we will be playing around with some Javascript code.

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